#WithChude on Vimeo

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The Daily Joy Book

The Daily Joy is a 365-day meditation on love, hope, peace and what it can mean to be human.

The Daily Joy #WithChude provides daily meditations and relatable experiences from others about love, happiness, human flourishing and the various shades of being human, together.


The Joy Journal

The Joy Journal is now available for sale. Contact RovingHeights on hello@rhbooks.com.ng  or +234 909 215 8968


The Daily Vulnearble

Get daily meditations on fear, sadness, joy, hope and love on Amazon for $10 OR Okadabooks for 5000.


Re.Treat.: A weekend in joy

Re.Treat. is a 3-day and 2-nights residential experience that helps in cutting through the clutter and confusion – especially of very busy, highly accomplished people, or those who are on their way there – and helping you find the peace and clarity to make the decisions on what you have to do, how they need to do them and why. It is a series of practical exercises – mediation, inquiry, listening deeply, journaling – giving you the tools and space to walk through pressure, depression, unhappiness, anxiety, and fear.

Re.Treat. creates the safe space to make important decisions by yourself, guided gently, without judgement, and without pressure. 

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Joy: For Leaders

Joy: For Leaders is a experiential training for senior executives based on lessons we’ve learnt about promoting conscious leadership in organisations.

Joy: For Teams

Joy: For Teams is a training programme for companies, not for profits and other organisations concerned about building teams that are happy, positive and high-productivity. It is customized for each team, and based on our Life-Is-Simple (LIS) model and cognitive journaling process. Joy: For Teams typically takes a minimum of four weeks of direct engagement to apply the research on positive educations, flow and motivation to help companies who are determined to solve, once and for all, their issues with staff engagement, staff motivation, staff growth and staff retention. Teams evolve from the program with stronger bonds, clarity and appreciation of other individuals and their environment.

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